

21st Century Learning

“21st Century Competencies and Skills for a Lifetime” began getting worldwide acclaim from international as well as national educational conferences and meetings as early as the 1990s. In an effort to define overarching themes for 21st Century success, a public and private collaborative has taken shape over the past ten plus years between business, government, academia, and industry with a mission to ready students to be globally competitive in the 21st Century workplace. U.S. Digital Literacy considers a powerful and important impact on how today’s economic market is evolving from "globally competitive" to "globally collaborative" as we implement a new vision for literacy in the 21st Century!


More topics in 21st Century Learning:

21st Century Themes, Support & Lesson Planning

Assessment Data

Bullying: Starting the Conversation

Classroom Libraries

Classroom Walkthroughs that Work

Common Core Essential Standards

Cultural Responsiveness


Education for Sustainability

English as a Second Language Learners

Formative and Summative Assessments

Guided Reading

Learning Networks and Environments

Learning and Innovation Skills

Learning and Teaching Styles

Literacy Strategies (Research Based)

Professional Learning Communities

Purposeful Classroom Environments

Read Alouds


Scripted Programs

Single School Culture

Systems Thinking

Teacher Collaboration





High School



The Partnership for 21st Century Skills outlines seven strategies for a successful 21st Century Skills Initiative:

  1. High-profile leadership
  2. Broad consensus and a shared vision
  3. Ongoing professional development in 21st century skills
  4. Standards and curriculum aligned with 21st century skills
  5. 21st century assessments
  6. An effective communications strategy
  7. An aggressive implementation strategy