Teaching In A Learning-Centered Digitally Empowered Environment
The Alliance for Excellent Education has announced a WEBINAR on
The Role of Teaching in a Learner-Centered,
Digitally-Empowered Environment
Thursday, July 26, 2012
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., ET
Ken Halla, Social Studies Teacher and Department Chair, Hayfield Secondary School (Fairfax, VA)
Patrick Ledesma, Director of Educator Engagement, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Terri Duggan Schwartzbeck, Senior Policy Associate, Alliance for Excellent Education
As schools continue to work to meet learning demands required of today, it is increasingly important that they shift to a learner-centered instructional model driven by high-quality digital learning and the effective use of technology that provides a more personalized, rigorous, and collaborative learning environment for each student. Teachers must be empowered to take on new professional roles required through job-embedded and meaningful professional learning opportunities, including enhanced teacher training, collaboration and mentoring opportunities, and other supports.
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education for a webinar on Thursday, July 26, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., (ET), which will build on the Alliance’s recently released report, Culture Shift: Teaching in a Learner-Centered Environment Powered by Digital Learning, and focus on what this learner-centered environment looks like and how teachers can be supported in these roles. The webinar will feature video clips of Barnett Berry, founder and president of the Center for Teaching Quality and Erin Frew, principal of New Tech West High School in Cleveland, Ohio, with expanded live discussion from Patrick Ledesma of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and Ken Halla, social studies teacher and department chair at Hayfield Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia. Panelists will also address questions submitted by viewers from across the country.
This webinar is made possible with support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the AT&T Foundation.
Register and submit questions for the webinar at http://media.all4ed.org/registration-jul-26-2012.
Please direct questions concerning the webinar to alliance@all4ed.org.
NOTE: If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available at http://www.all4ed.org/webinars usually one or two days after the event airs.