Suggested Legislation For Personalized and Digital Learning
The Alliance for Excellent Education
has announced a Webinar on the
Working Draft of Suggested Legislation for Personalized and Digital Learning and the Opening of a Public Comment Period
Monday, July 30, 2012
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., ET
Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education on Monday, July 30 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., ET for a live webinar to discuss and seek feedback on a working draft of suggested legislation for personalized and digital learning that is currently being developed by the Alliance.
Over the past several years, the Alliance has been developing digital learning policy that supports the effective use of technology as a way to drive higher student achievement. More states are taking policy actions to implement innovative types of student-centered learning and seeking guidance in the legislative drafting process. This working draft of suggested …
- Published in Digital Literacy, Webinars
Systems Thinking In Education
The Waters Foundation recently held the second annual Camp Snowball in Tucson, Arizona. The camp is designed to build capacity in teachers and students for systems thinking and sustainability education locally, nationally and throughout the world.
Marv Adams, Chief Operating Officer at TDAmeritrade, and Darcy Winslow, former Global General Manager and VP, Women’s Footware, Apparel and Equipment, Nike joined Peter Senge in speaking and a public forum discussing connections between education and business as teachers help foster growth of 21st Century future ready graduates.
“The purpose of Camp Snowball is to provide opportunities for communities and schools to learn how to enable their students to think deeply and critically and to achieve academically in order to become responsible, thoughtful citizens of the interdependent world that they will inherit.” Check out to learn more. Next year, the camp will be …
- Published in Digital Literacy
Teaching In A Learning-Centered Digitally Empowered Environment
The Alliance for Excellent Education has announced a WEBINAR on
The Role of Teaching in a Learner-Centered,
Digitally-Empowered Environment
Thursday, July 26, 2012
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., ET
Ken Halla, Social Studies Teacher and Department Chair, Hayfield Secondary School (Fairfax, VA)
Patrick Ledesma, Director of Educator Engagement, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Terri Duggan Schwartzbeck, Senior Policy Associate, Alliance for Excellent Education
As schools continue to work to meet learning demands required of today, it is increasingly important that they shift to a learner-centered instructional model driven by high-quality digital learning and the effective use of technology that provides a more personalized, rigorous, and collaborative learning environment for each student. Teachers must be empowered to take on new professional roles required through job-embedded and meaningful professional learning opportunities, including enhanced teacher training, collaboration and mentoring opportunities, …
- Published in Digital Literacy, Webinars