

Suggested Legislation For Personalized and Digital Learning

/ / Digital Literacy, Webinars

The Alliance for Excellent Education
has announced a Webinar on the

Working Draft of Suggested Legislation for Personalized and Digital Learning and the Opening of a Public Comment Period

Monday, July 30, 2012
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., ET


Please join the Alliance for Excellent Education on Monday, July 30 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., ET for a live webinar to discuss and seek feedback on a working draft of suggested legislation for personalized and digital learning that is currently being developed by the Alliance.

Over the past several years, the Alliance has been developing digital learning policy that supports the effective use of technology as a way to drive higher student achievement. More states are taking policy actions to implement innovative types of student-centered learning and seeking guidance in the legislative drafting process. This working draft of suggested legislation is meant to assist states as they plan strategically for the future, develop workable timelines for implementation, and create important quality safeguards and transparency guidelines. The webinar also represents the opening of a public comment period, during which the Alliance will seek feedback and comments from policymakers and the public.

This webinar will highlight the recommended legislative actions and language that have been developed so far in the working draft. Following the discussion, there will be an interactive conversation among the panelists using questions submitted by participants from the around the country.

Register and submit questions for the webinar at http://media.all4ed.org/registration-jul-30-2012. Additional information on this webinar, including a link to the draft legislation, will be added to the registration page in the coming days.

Please direct questions concerning the webinar to alliance@all4ed.org.

NOTE: If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available at http://www.all4ed.org/webinars usually one or two days after the event airs.

The Alliance for Excellent Education is a Washington, DC-based national policy and advocacy organization that works to improve national and federal policy so that all students can achieve at high academic levels and graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship in the twenty-first century. For more information about the Alliance, visit http://www.all4ed.org.